(Tara Reid was nice enough to send me a picture of her ringing in 2008 taken with her future camera. Pledge this, indeed!)
Peace out, 2007. You kind of sucked but not as bad as your evil twin, 2006. I'm glad that asshole is dead.
My top 4 sports memories of 2007:
1. Watching the Mavs get eliminated in the first round of the playoffs by the Golden State Warriors and wondering why God could cure sick kids who will probably just grow up to vote straight-ticket Republican but couldn't cut the Mavs a break.
2. Reading this interview with Jeremy Shockey and suddenly craving Pancho's and a Miller High Life. No, I will never be able to defend or justify my Jeremy Shockey crush but as Dr. John (per Patton Oswalt) once said, "Some days an alligator is driving a car and some days you're wearing a hat made out of meat." Ok?
3. Little Known Sports Fact: Dirk Nowitzki and Steve Nash used to spoon and eat pistachio gelato while watching Dumb and Dumber when they were both Mavs. Nash still pines for those days.
4. Jerry Jones securing Tony Romo's ability to buy $67.5 million worth of Jager bombs and morning-after cab fare.
My Top 5 Movies of 2007:
1. The King of Kong
2. No Country for Old Men
3. 3:10 to Yuma
4. Superbad
5. Anything that wasn't Juno
My Top 3 Ill-Advised Travel Destinations of 2007:
1. London, England. Last time I was there, the Pope died. This time that little girl got kidnapped. I will not be returning to London any time soon. Next time I feel like paying $8 for a beer I will just go to a sporting event. Ta.
2. Norman, Oklahoma. If you live in Norman, you just aren't trying hard enough. You are lazier than me which is saying a whole lot.
3. Austin, Texas. I have a new rule. I will only go to Austin if someone is paying me to go there. You keep Austin weird, I am going over here to wash my clothes with something other than Dr. Bronner's. If you are unlucky enough to have a job that requires you to attend SXSW in 2008 like I do, remember one thing: as my friend Teyah once said, "Austin is one of those towns where you should always wear two pairs of underwear the whole time you are there."
Top 20 Artists I Didn't Care About of 2007:
1. Lilly Allen
2. Jens Lenkman
3. Radiohead
4. Mika
5. Fiest
6. Artic Monkeys
7. Iron and Wine
8. Blonde Redhead
9. The Liars
10. Deerhoof
11. Bright Eyes
12. M.I.A. (also the winner of "Amanda's Least Favorite Musical Artist of the Past Five Years" award by a landslide)
13. Okkervil River
14. Peter, Bjorn, and John
15. !!!
16. The White Stripes
17. Scissor Sisters
18. The Shins
19. Interpol
20. Justice
Top 3 Cars I Desperately Want of 2007:
1. 1957 Black Ford Thunderbird with Continental kit
2. 1973 White Corvette 350CI V8 with red interior
3. 1983 Mercedes Diesel 300D
And with that, I will now take a nap under my desk for an hour while Tina Yothers acts as my lookout/body double. Auld Lame Syne.