Ok, I need some sort of Mavs primal scream therapy right now and basically my blog was established for just that purpose. Do I think that the local (and to a lesser degree, national) media should be digging through Dirk's proverbial garbage can to find the used condoms (which apparently might not exist in this case) to dust for prints? No. Seriously, everyone back the fuck off. I have a set of noisemakers that I am shaking in your general direction, press. And commenters on Dallas Morning News, this is your wet dream of a story. Please crawl back down into the lowest level of protoplastic slime caves that you usually call home. Seriously, EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP ACTING LIKE THIS IS AN EPISODE OF MAURY.
It was already not a good time for anything to distract you from the deep-ish hole you have dug yourselves into, Little Sad Mavs. But this is the last fucking thing you needed. You get distracted when someone at the concession stands has a laser pointer. You cannot handle a felonious baby mama situation. You are not the Nets or the Lakers or even the fucking Knicks for that matter. You don't do drama very well. I don't know the details of the case but Jesus Christ in Heaven why couldn't you have made this go away for a week or two until you either got thumped by the Nuggets or gained a little ground on them. You are down 2-0 in the second round of the playoffs. This is retarded shit that you should not be dealing with. I'm not one to lecture about where to put your naughty bits but if you know you've got some dirty water coming down the pipeline, you've got the money and resources to direct the flow. I hope I am wrong. I hope personal turmoil equals basketball sucess somehow. Yeah.
Mavs in 5.
Now come on, Dirk's personal life is MUCH more important than something like this:
Thank you so much for bringing that up. Maybe I've been watching the wrong local news (which is possible considering I mainly watch it to see pictures of people turning 100 today) but the first I heard of this was on CNN the other night. Was stunned that no local media had picked it up. I guess it's not as interesting as "Lady Who Wrote Hot Checks Makes Womb Room for Dirk" or whatever.
Thank you, I'll be here all week. My favorite portion of that article:
"Guillory, who practices in nearby Nacogdoches, Texas, estimates authorities in Tenaha seized $3 million between 2006 and 2008, and in about 150 cases -- virtually all of which involved African-American or Latino motorists -- the seizures were improper."
Yay America!
I think Wood Block guy is somehow responsible for this.
Amanda, totally off topic, but SNL tonight just ripped off your my-grandmother-refers-to-celebrities-by-funny-different-names bit.
Or did you rip SNL off tonight, then travel back in time in order to post it several weeks/months ago?
Either way, I thought it was very curious.
Goodnight, Amanda.
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