Thursday, November 5, 2009


My old buddy Geoff has a blog called The Hanging Brain. He's a funny guy and a damn good writer. He asked me to put together a list of some of my favorite songs by local acts. I was scared that he was going to punch me in the face if I didn't comply so I did as I was asked to do.

Here are the results:

Please feel free to use this blog's comments section to tell me how much my taste in everything sucks. I need to be ripped. Hard.

1 comment:

Grandpa Walton said...

I'm afraid I'm not familiar enough with the acts in question to comment intelligently, but my curiosity was intensely piqued by these also-rans who were denied any mention at all:

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

* Hanging Brain Radio [EPI2ODE TW0]
* Doing Our Part (to Blindly Propagate Internet Memes): WHOSE RESPONSIBLE THIS?
* The Hanging Brain Halloween Mix

Will there be a followup to give them their day in the sun?

Goodnight, Amanda